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American Depositary Shares (ADSs) are a means for non- U.S.-based corporations to list their ordinary equity on an American stock exchange. Denominated in US dollars, they confer full rights of ownership to the corporation’s underlying shares, which are held on deposit by a custodian bank in the company’s home country or territory. In relation to CEMEX, Citibank, N.A. is the depositary of CEMEX’s ADSs and each ADS represents 10 CPOs. The CEMEX ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) is the rate at which interbank term deposits in euros are being offered within the euro zone between prime banks.
Free cash flow CEMEX defines it as operating EBITDA minus net interest expense, maintenance and expansion capital expenditures, change in working capital, taxes paid, and other cash items (net other expenses less proceeds from the disposal of obsolete and/or substantially depleted operating fixed assets that are no longer in operation and coupon payments on our perpetual notes). Free cash flow is not a GAAP measure.
LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is a reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks borrow unsecured funds from other banks in London.
Maintenance capital expenditures CEMEX defines it as investments incurred with the purpose of ensuring the company’s operational continuity. These include capital expenditures on projects required to replace obsolete assets or maintain current operational levels, and mandatory capital expenditures, which are projects required to comply with governmental regulations or company policies. Maintenance capital expenditures is not a GAAP measure.
Operating EBITDA CEMEX defines it as operating income plus depreciation and amortization. Operating EBITDA does not include revenues and expenses that are not directly related to CEMEX’s main activity, or which are of an unusual or non-recurring nature under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Operating EBITDA is not a GAAP measure.
Ordinary Participation Certificates (CPOs) are issued under the terms of a CPO Trust Agreement governed by Mexican law and represent two of CEMEX’s series A shares and one of CEMEX’s series B shares. This instrument is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.
pp equals percentage points
Strategic capital expenditures CEMEX defines it as investments incurred with the purpose of increasing the company’s profitability. These include capital expenditures on projects designed to increase profitability by expanding capacity, and margin improvement capital expenditures, which are projects designed to increase profitability by reducing costs. Expansion capital expenditures is not a GAAP measure.
TIIE (Tasa de Interés Interbancaria de Equilibrio) is a measure of the average cost of funds in pesos in the Mexican interbank money market.
Total debt CEMEX defines it as short-term and long-term debt plus convertible securities and capital leases. Total debt is not a GAAP measure.
Working capital CEMEX defines it as operating accounts receivable (including other current assets received as payment in kind) plus inventories minus operating accounts payable. Working capital is not a GAAP measure.
Aggregates are sand and gravel, which are mined from quarries. They give ready-mix concrete its necessary volume and add to its overall strength. Under normal circumstances, one cubic meter of fresh concrete contains two metric tons of gravel and sand.
The Clean Development Mechanism or Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an agreement signed in the Kyoto Protocol established in Article 12, which allows the governments of industrialized countries and companies to sign agreements to meet reduction targets. greenhouse gases (GHG) in the first commitment period between 2008 and 2012, investing in emission reduction projects in developing countries (also called countries not included in Annex 1 of the Kyoto Protocol) as an alternative to acquire certified emission reductions (CERs) at lower costs than in their markets.
Clinker is an intermediate cement product made by sintering limestone, clay, and iron oxide in a kiln at around 1,450 degrees Celsius. One metric ton of clinker is used to make approximately 1.1 metric tons of gray Portland cement.
Fly ash is a combustion residue from power plants that can be used as a non-clinker cementitious material.
Gray Portland cement is a hydraulic binding agent with a composition by weight of at least 95% clinker and 0–5% of a minor component (usually calcium sulfate). It can set and harden underwater and, when mixed with aggregates and water, produces concrete or mortar.
Installed capacity is the theoretical annual production capacity of a plant; whereas effective capacity is a plant’s actual optimal annual production capacity, which can be 10–20% less than installed capacity.
Metric ton is the equivalent of 1.102 short tons.
Petroleum coke (pet coke) is a byproduct of the oil refining coking process.
Pozzolana is a fine, sandy volcanic ash.
Ready-mix concrete is a mixture of cement, aggregates, and water.
Slag is the byproduct of smelting ore to purify metals.
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