CEMEX Works Award for Architecture & Construction
The CEMEX Building Award is an initiative created and organized by CEMEX for the purpose of distinguishing the best in Architecture and Construction around the world. Each year, CEMEX has distinguished the best construction projects and all those persons who have made these possible, as architects, engineers, investors, and constructors.
Its objective is the development of a global culture of continuous innovation in construction by encouraging creativity and the application of new concrete technologies in projects with a high sense of sustainability and social well-being, encouraging the exchange of ideas and solutions amongst the world’s different construction industries.
In 1991, the first edition was carried out in the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico with great acceptance for the recognition of talent, creativity, quality, and the professionalism of the architects and engineers as well as those responsible for design, projection, investigation, and construction.
It continued locally until the fourth edition in 1995 when the call for entries was extended to the northern part of Mexico. In the year 2000 Mexico City, Guadalajara, Leon and Puebla entered the ring with such a great number of high-quality projects, that the decision was made to hold the following edition at the national level.
In 2004, the first step was taken for the international participation of projects from the United States of America, Spain, Colombia, and Venezuela. Given the great international acceptance, in 2005, 12 countries were invited to participate, and in 2006, a record 24 countries submitted projects.
International Edition
The CEMEX Building Award is carried out in various countries where CEMEX has an established presence. The call for entries opens during the first months of the year, inviting architects, engineers, and other professional individuals within to the construction industry to participate by submitting their projects constructed with CEMEX products.
The CEMEX Building Awards has officially launched the International Edition in order to promote competitive exchange of the best and most innovative ideas worldwide. This edition will see each country's first place winners compete for the international grand prize.
Participation Requirements
Each participant in the International Edition of the CEMEX Building Award must have resulted a winner in the contest carried out in the country where it is located.
- The project must have been finalized during the two years prior to the call for entries.
- Any project that is submitted must be constructed using at least 50% CEMEX product.
- Submit the questionnaire and graphic material before May 6, 2021.
Graphic material
- From 5 to 20 photographs, between 1 and 2 MB, .JPG format
- 2 to 10 blueprints/plans/drawings in .PDF format.
- 1 video (optional) of the projects with 20 MB maximum.
- Attachments if considered necessary to support some explanation.
In the beforementioned, there shall be no visible images, logos, signatures, or any other material where the authors of the projects appear.
If your project meets the requirements, write to premio.obras@cemex.com to receive details about the registration process according to your country or contact directly its Premio Obras CEMEX representative, to find it click here.
The statue that has been given since the year 2000 to the winners of the CEMEX Building Award is a unique piece of art created by the renowned Mexican sculptor Miguel Angel Gonzalez.

It is made up of materials that are apropos to nature – such as black marble - and others from man’s inspiration – such as concrete – which thereby alludes to the inspiration of mankind to use materials within reach and transform these into versatile elements of expression for architecture, construction, and design which are manifested in projects that meet the highest standards of efficiency and sustainable construction. Each winner receives a trophy created solely and especially for that project
The Process

The Sculptor: Miguel Angel Gonzalez
He graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda" and initiated his professional projection since 1979, participating until this date in collective and individual exhibits at different national and international venues, amongst the most important: Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City, Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes of the UNAM, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in San Juan de Puerto Rico, Galería Ramis Barquet, in Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Galeria Lopez Quiroga, in Mexico City, and most recently, at the Museo de Bellas Artes of Toluca, State of Mexico.
In the same manner, he has participated in international events pertaining to public works in Mexico, old Yugoslavia, Japan, Argentina, Chile, and Dubai. His work is permanently on exhibition at the Museos de Arte Moderno in Mexico City and the Museo del Niño in Pachuca, Hidalgo.
He has received awards in triennials and biennials in Mexico and Argentina.
He has been a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores Artísticos del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. He has also collaborated as a Professor at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda", and at the Universidad de las Americas in Puebla.

Houses, residences and housing complexes, medium and high levels.
- 30% - Integral Sustainability
- 30% - Architectural Solution
- 20% - Structural Solution
- 20% - Construction Process

Houses, prototypes, and housing complexes for medium, economic, popular and assisted self-construction sectors.
- 40% - Integral Sustainability
- 20% - Architectural Solution
- 20% - Structural Solution
- 20% - Construction Process

Institutional, educational, commercial, government, industrial, business, religious, health, and mixed-use buildings.
- 30% - Integral Sustainability
- 30% - Architectural Solution
- 20% - Structural Solution
- 20% - Construction Process

Spaces that transcend the individual to the collective, that foster interactions between users and that promote a sense of community.
- 40% - Integral Sustainability
- 30% - Architectural Solution
- 15% - Structural Solution
- 15% - Construction Process

Roads, airports, stations, transportation systems, dams, bridges, roads or master plans.
- 40% - Integral Sustainability
- 30% - Architectural Solution
- 15% - Structural Solution
- 15% - Construction Process
Special Awards

Projects that have elements to access them regardless of technical, cognitive or physical abilities of the user. Implies that anyone can enter, transit and stay in one place safely and independently.
- 30% - Elements applied in the project that allow to any person to enter, move in and out safely and autonomy.
- 20% - Inclusion of accessibility for all people in the use of services.
- 20% - Solution on slopes with alternate routes, accessible elements or equipment.
- 20% - Integration of accessibility in all areas in order to promote a culture of diversity.
- 10% - Inclusion of elements of tactile, visual or auditory signal to facilitate orientation.

Projects that have used bioclimatic design criteria and selected appropriate materials, and that during the construction process has been little environmental impact and the use of natural resources is optimized.
- 25% - Precepts of planning, design, construction, equipment and operation for eco-efficiency.
- 25% - Solutions for lower energy consumption, water conservation, rational use of materials, indoor air quality and use of renewable energies.
- 15% - Social significance.
- 15% - High functional performance, promoting productivity, occupant health and adaptability during the useful life of the project.
- 10% - Innovation in design and construction practices.
- 10% - Potential of being replicated.

Projects that achieved a breakthrough and improvement in construction processes, by applying concepts of innovation and technology, promoting constructive and creative techniques applicable for future projects.
- 30% - Potential of being replicated.
- 20% - Values of creativity and originality.
- 20% - Effectiveness of results, cost / benefit.
- 15% - Creative application of building materials.
- 15% - Innovation in processes and construction practices.

Projects that directly improve the life quality of the community, and through them have been generated and community ties self-management schemes that promote coexistence and social welfare, improving the conditions in which they carry out their daily lives.
- 30% - Criteria and solutions for planning, design, construction, equipment and operation for maximum benefit of the community.
- 30% - Social in the environment evaluated.
- 10% - Potential of being replicated. significance.
- 30% - Improvement of quality of life.